Volunteer Hours Per Year


Client Service Hours Per Year


Individuals Served Per Week

11%, or close to 900,000 individuals in Virginia have a special need. In a community where limitations and restrictions abound…

We are the believers. We are the do-ers.

We are the possibilitarians!

Our Vision

Hope, healing, empowerment and recovery through partnerships with horses.

Our Mission

Sprout provides equine assisted activities and therapies to individuals seeking opportunities for growth. Sprout is dedicated to providing dynamic learning, recreation, socialization and therapy opportunities for individuals and groups in a farm environment.

Our Values

1) Professionalism

Sprout professionals are certified by PATH Intl. (an international regulatory agency for therapeutic equestrian activities).

2) Accessibility

Sprout is housed in facilities that are built to ADA-specification and allow for year-round continuous therapeutic opportunities. In addition, Sprout works to provide services to anyone in need regardless of ability to pay.

3) Quality

Stemming from educated equines that are carefully selected and meticulously maintained to serve the needs of riders with disabilities.

4) Selfless Service

Demonstrated in our vast and diverse community volunteers and donors that work diligently to create a safe, supportive and successful environment for participants.