The mission of Sprout is fulfilled by on-going volunteer support. With over 125 participants each week, Sprout relies on a large community of do-gooders who support barn needs, horse care and programs. Weekly volunteers start at the age of 14 and we have fantastic folks that come from all age ranges, professions and experience. Regardless of how you arrive, you are sure to be changed for good during your time at Sprout!
Days of Service at Sprout make a BIG impact! Gather your team, co-workers, scout group or neighborhood and serve for a day on the farm! We will work with your group organizers to plan a rewarding volunteer day that truly makes a difference for students. Because most projects come with significant expenses, Sprout asks that your group provide funding for the supplies and materials needed for projects other than farm maintenance.
Committee volunteers help to plan our exciting special events and fundraisers during the year. In addition, we have many one-time community activities where we have the chance to introduce the mission of Sprout to the greater region, and our volunteers play a huge part in spreading the word about what we do. These events direct the community’s attention and support to our facility, and educate them on the benefits of equine therapies.