ask us

Lessons/therapy at Sprout is held once a week.  You will commit to a day/time block for an entire session.  Typically you will have the same instructor and horse for the duration of the session.

Sprout has an array of options for lessons/therapy including an indoor arena, outdoor arena, trail, classroom, therapy room and barn.  The location of your students lessons will be determined by their needs and goals.

All programs at Sprout are performed by professionals certified for the service provided. Because Adaptive Riding is our biggest program area, most Sprout staff are certified through the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship (PATH, Intl).  Sprout also uses PATH Intl certified Adaptive Driving Instructors and Equine Specialists (for Equine Assisted Learning).  Equine Supported Therapy is performed by therapist certified in the specific therapy modality and additionally certified by the American Hippotherapy Association.  Inclusion Programming at Sprout is performed by staff that are certified through traditional riding instruction programs (ie, American Riding Instructors Association or Certified Horsemanship Association).

There are inherent risks and dangers to participation activities with equines. These stem from the propensity of equines to react unpredictably and behave in ways that may result in injury, harm, or death to persons on or around them. Equipment may break, become displaced or fail in other ways. Additionally, farms present environmental hazards. Though all efforts are made to mitigate these risks, we ask all equestrians to acknowledge these risks.

Acceptable weights for equestrians will be determined by available equines at the time lessons are requested with an upward limit of 225lbs for riding and 350lbs for driving. If an equine is not available that can safely carry a potential equestrian, services will not be offered at th at time. The maximum weight limit will be evaluated by staff to determine if riding is a safe and appropriate activity given available equines.

Acceptable weights for equestrians will be determined by available equines at the time lessons are requested with an upward limit of 225lbs for riding and 350lbs for driving. If an equine is not available that can safely carry a potential equestrian, services will not be offered at th at time. The maximum weight limit will be evaluated by staff to determine if riding is a safe and appropriate activity given available equines.

Acceptable weights for equestrians will be determined by available equines at the time lessons are requested with an upward limit of 225lbs for riding and 350lbs for driving. If an equine is not available that can safely carry a potential equestrian, services will not be offered at th at time. The maximum weight limit will be evaluated by staff to determine if riding is a safe and appropriate activity given available equines.

 Physician signatures must be present on the medical paperwork of any equestrian with a diagnosis in adaptive riding. Physician’s orders must be made for therapy equestrians. Paperwork must be completed in its ENTIRETY to participate in any program at Sprout. Annual updates must be completed each calendar year (due on January 15). Contact information, medical and emergency information, media releases and physician signatures are required to be updated annually. Sprout requires ALL equestrians to complete this paperwork by the calendar year regardless of when initial registration occurs. Additional paperwork may be necessary for individuals with seizure disorders, when returning after surgeries/hospitalization, and for individuals with precautions and contraindications. 

Because Sprout has an indoor facility, lessons/therapy continue through most weather issues.  

Sprout lessons will be canceled if: 

  • The real feel (temperature plus wind chill) drops below 25 degrees or the heat index (heat & humidity) reaches 103 degrees. 
  • Tornado warnings, severe rain, hail, snow, or thunderstorms warnings issued for Aldie (Loudoun County) or within 10 miles of and moving toward Sprout. 
  • Winds exceeding 25 MPH. 

 Storms change quickly and Sprout staff will make every effort to inform equestrians of cancellations as quickly as possible. If equestrians arrive at the barn and lessons cannot take place due to storms, equestrians will be offered a ground lesson on horsemanship with their instructor. Cancellations due to weather events will be made by 8am for morning lessons and by 10am for early afternoon lessons (12-4pm) and by 1pm for lessons after 4pm. Sprout will not charge for canceled lessons. 

Due to the scheduling involved in our activities, Sprout does not make-up cancelled lessons.  Should Sprout need to cancel lessons due to weather or instructor absence, Sprout will not charge.

Sprout does not reimburse for lessons canceled by the students. Lessons at Sprout are very individualized and the schedule is not flexible. If it is possible, instructors may try to accommodate lesson rescheduling but this is not always possible, and it is not guaranteed. 

Sprout is currently full however interested riders can sign up to be on a waiting list.  When space is available, riders will.

Step 1: Visit Sprout and receive an evaluation to review needs, goals, Sprout ability to serve, precautions, contraindications and the parent handbook

Step 2: Complete registration paperwork, including physician signature and waiver

Step 3: Schedule your riding/driving with Sprout 

Sprout utilizes horses, staff and volunteers that rely on consistent schedules.  If you are unable to commit to a full year of lessons, we ask that you wait until a more suitable time to enroll.

Equine Movement Therapy costs $120/visit

Adaptive Driving costs $65/visit

Adaptive Riding costs $55/visit

Equine Assisted Learning/Community Groups are priced based on time/staff/volunteer and horse needs.

Semi-Private Lessons (2-4 participants) – 1 hour

Private Lessons (1 participant) – 30 minutes

No, unfortunately Sprout is not able to take insurance for any service.  Should you wish to explore insurance re-imbursement, Sprout will happily provide you with a receipt for payment.

Yes, every program at Sprout is subsidized through generous donations from the community.  In addition to the subsidy that ALL riders receive, Sprout has a scholarship program for those that have extraordinary financial need.  All scholarship application must be received 1) on time, 2) completed in entirety, 3) returned with tax information to qualify for scholarship funding.  The Sprout scholarship committee makes funding decisions prior to each session, taking cash flow and restricted funds into account during decision-making.

All equestrians must wear their own ASTM/SEI approved riding helmet. You can get a helmet (and have it fitted at local saddleries. Helmet fit and function is checked before each use but please check all straps, fit and balance each time you put a helmet on. 

  • Sandals and slip-on shoes are not allowed at Sprout. It is preferred for equestrians to wear boots with heels to prevent the foot from sliding through the stirrup but any closed-toe shoe is appropriate. Braces and prostheses may be worn with shoes that are required for them. 
  • All equestrians should wear long pants. (Never wear shorts or dresses/skirts). The saddle can bruise unprotected legs. Stretch pants, jeans or riding pants are recommended for comfort. 
  • It is recommended that equestrians learning advanced skills and participating in independent activities wear riding breeches, paddock boots and half chaps. 
  • Equestrians should avoid wearing jewelry, long dangling necklaces and earrings. 
  • All jackets/coats must remain zipped when riding. 

Participants must wear pants, close-toed shoes and helmets when participating in equestrian activities at Sprout.  Should you wish to purchase riding attire, Sprout recommends visiting Dover Saddlery in Chantilly or at www.doversaddlery.com.  

Sprout partners with horses that are a variety of different breeds, sizes, shapes and movement patterns.  Horses are chosen for each student individually based on their physical, sensory and cognitive needs while taking their riding and independence goals into consideration.  All horses at Sprout are tested, trained, meticulously cared for and reviewed by each instructor prior to each ride.

Sprout will arrange for a myriad of support to help your student succeed 

  1. Volunteers – Depending on need, students will have up to 3 volunteers supporting their lessons.  These volunteers side-walk to ensure your student receives adequate physical support and horse leaders will join the lesson to ensure that the horse remains comfortable and supported during the lesson.
  2. Tack/Equipment – Sprout will provide/modify/purchase tack that meets the needs of your students (within reason).  Tack modifications support sensory, grip, balance, appendage, sight needs and we are always adding to our array of options!  
  3. Instructional Support – Sprout staff will tailor their instruction to meet the learning needs of the participant.  Sprout staff track progress based on instructional strategies to draw correlations between the way skills are taught and your student’s outcome! 

Sprout staff measure progress each lesson and track student competency within an internal cloud-based system.  Should you wish a report, just ask and we will happily provide you with one!