Our Mission

Sprout provides equine-supported activities and therapies to individuals seeking opportunities for growth. Sprout is dedicated to providing dynamic learning, recreation, socialization and therapy opportunities for individuals and groups in a farm environment.

Our Vision

Hope, healing, empowerment and recovery through partnerships with horses.

We are the believers. We are the do-ers.

We are the possibilitarians!

Our Values

If you’ve been a part of Sprout, THANK YOU!
If you are new to Sprout, please come visit and see our work in action!

"Sprout is a place where victories, both large and small, are celebrated... because victory is amazingly significant to someone who struggles daily."

Physical Address:
40685 John Mosby Hwy Aldie, VA 20105

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 8 Aldie, VA 20105



Phone: (571) 367-4555
Fax: (571) 668-4470